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CRIT – Overview

CRIT Overview | CRIT Population | CRIT Community Profile

Colorado River Indian Reservation lands are in Arizona (225,995 acres) and California (42,696 acres). Tribal lands are low arid desert and river bottom with abrupt mountain ranges. The Colorado River provides 90 miles of shoreline through the reservation. In 1864, Charles Debrille Poston, the first Indian superintendent for Arizona, selected the area as Arizona's second Indian reservation. It was established March 3, 1865, for the “Indians of said river and its tributaries.” The Mohave have inhabited the area for centuries, while members of the Chemehuevi, Hopi, and Navajo tribes relocated to the reservation later. The communities of Parker and Poston are located on reservation lands.

Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) At-A-Glance
La Paz County
Distance to Phoenix:
155 miles
Distance to Tucson:

275 miles

Enterprise Zone available

Scenic Attractions

The Colorado River, dams and lakes are the reservation's greatest recreational and scenic attractions. Lakes Moovalya and Havasu are formed behind Headgate and Parker Dams. Facilities for swimmers, boaters and water-skiers are found along the shoreline. Reservation hunting and fishing permits are required. Tribal occupation of the area is evidenced by petroglyphs, pictographs, ancient trails and intaglios. The Tribal Museum and Library attempt to preserve and interpret the heritage of each of the reservation’s four tribes as well as the general history of the area. Through the Museum, the Tribes maintain two national historic sites, the Old Mohave Presbyterian Mission, recently renovated, and the Old Arizona frontier community of La Paz, Arizona. These are open to the public.